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As noted by the AICPA, Forensic accounting services generally involve the application of specialized knowledge and investigative skills possessed by CPAs to collect, analyze, and evaluate evidential matter and to interpret and communicate findings in the courtroom, boardroom, or other legal or administrative venue. More simply, in the context of litigation, the term forensic means to be suitable for use in a court of law. JaJuan Williams is the lead forensic accountant at The Lady CFO. With a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice Adminstration with a focus on criminal investigations, a Masters in Business Adminstration and, a licensed Certified Public Accountant. She works with lawyers, corporations and individuals.
Our Cases:
Divorce litigations
Child Support cases
Employee theft
Fraudulent and/or inadequate accounting services
Suspected misappropriation of funds by business owners or shareholders
Accounting clean-up
Business Valuation
Internal audits
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